Astro Hackathon Showcase

A mix between the yellow pages and buymeacoffee but decentralized & powered by Astro & Ceramic.

Astro Hackathon 2022 submission for the Best project built with SSR category.

Open in Gitpod


Store the transactions in a PostgreSQL database & generate an API with Supabase

namedata typeformat
created_attimestamp with timezonetimestampz
fromcharacter varyingvarchar
tocharacter varyingvarchar
hashcharacter varyingvarchar
explorer_linkcharacter varyingvarchar
amountcharacter varyingvarchar
token_namecharacter varyingvarchar

Environment variables

Get started

Note: it is currently not possible to build and deploy this app to production due to an issue with the caip package on which multiple dependencies used in this project are using, which makes it impossible for vite to build for production. See this issue and this issue.